The Lloyd Gallery
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18 Front Street, Penticton BC, V2A 1H1

Kelly Fik

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Kelly Fik is a Canadian artist who was born in 100 Mile House in 1985. She was first introduced to soapstone when she was only 10 years old by pure accident and is entirely self taught.

Her first piece of stone was a small chunk that she found. Discovering that the rock was soft and malleable, she naturally started carving it into a small dolphin using only a box cutter. Carving soapstone ignited a passion within her and she was desperate to find more stone. She contacted a local soapstone artist who agreed to sell her some of his personal raw soapstone. The next challenge she took on was a full chess set which she sculpted with only basic tools at only 11 years of age. Throughout the rest of her childhood, she created many other sculptures including an otter, deer and bear.

In 2003 she graduated from high school and moved to Kelowna after graduation and currently lives in Oliver, BC. She works with the natural shape of the stone to choose what it will become and loves sculpting animals the most.

Artist Statement:

My primary medium that I sculpt is soapstone and alabaster from all parts of the world. The rock that I have worked with has been quite diverse from smooth brown Brazilian soapstone to dense black African soapstone to Indian stone that is green with black granular particles throughout. The stone comes in colours and textures that are mesmerizing. Feeling the stone in my hands is one of my favorite parts of sculpting. The textured stone carries so much personality and the smooth stone is silky to the touch.

My sculptures are created from a single raw chunk of soapstone and I use saws, Dremel’s, chisels, rasps, and sandpaper to cutback the stone. I finish everything in beeswax because it is all natural and smells so delicious.

I honesty cannot explain why I love sculpting so much, it comes from a deep place that really cannot be articulated into words. It is always something I have been drawn to since I was a young girl and time just melts away when I am sculpting. There is something truly special about taking a natural rock created by nature and sculpting it into a representation of nature.

I have been sculpting soapstone for twenty-five years just for the pure enjoyment I feel when I am creating, and I hope they bring people the same joy they bring me.